ข่าวสาร/ประกาศ/เรื่องแจ้ง: Living Library

Title: Living Library
       Living library: a library that provides users with the best comfort facilities, enhances the experience of reading and researching in the warm atmosphere, with comfortable reading corner, group study rooms and individual study rooms, equipped with sofa, comfortable seats and coffee corner.  Entertaining yourself with movie and documentary films in our multimedia room as well as getting your best information in our database searching room providing you with lots of training courses.  We serve you with high-speed Internet and wireless.

Services in Living Library
We provide you with various services:
Multimedia Room                            2 hours at a time
Individual Study Room                   For faculty and graduate students, 3 hours at a time
Group Discussion Room (12 seats)           Equipped with full facilities
Training Room                                   With 20 computers, Screen, Projector
                                                                Should make reservation 3 times per day:
                                                                Morning Time: 8:30-12:00 am
                                                                Afternoon Time: 12:30-16:00 pm
                                                                Evening Time: 16:30 pm - 15 minutes before the closing time
                The exact time can be changed by discussing with library staff.  Please make reservation with our library staff at fl. 1-2.  More information please contact Tel. 053-945031, 6078, 5036, 9080


Created at 1/11/2555 16:58 by ประกายดาว ศรีโมรา
Last modified at 1/11/2555 16:58 by ประกายดาว ศรีโมรา
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